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Main office
Address: Yaroslavl, Polushkina roshiya str., 16, 150044
Phone number: +7 4852 970-970, +7 4852 67-20-17
Delivery point
Adress: Surgut, Krylova str., 61, Russia, 628400 (Next to the store "Avtogalaktika")
Phone number: +7 3462 27-19-70

Director: Margarita Nijevyasova
Reception of applications and technical support: Margarita Nijevyasova, Yulia Shutova.
Working hours (local time): since 09.00 to 18.00, lunch time 12.00-13.00

425760851 — Yulia Shutova

GPS coordinates

61 17.019'
73 24.962'

Spare parts MAZ Surgut

Spare parts for KAMAZ, YaMZ in Surgut

RC Autodiesel Ltd. is the largest company engaged in supply of original spare parts for trucks and engines of the Yaroslavl motor plant, fuel equipment and other spare parts on the territory of Surgut. Instead of other distributors, we have a high level of customer service, supply of original spare parts.

Our products

RC Autodiesel Ltd. offers to purchase in Surgut:

  • spare parts and engines YAMZ;
  • spare parts for KAMAZ;
  • spare parts and fuel system YAZDA;
  • MAZ trucks;
  • TMZ spare parts;
  • electrical equipment;
  • brake systems parts and much more.

A complete list of products can be found in the respective catalogs of our company or contacting our representatives in Surgut.

Original spare parts KAMAZ

KamAZ is considered to be the most powerful truck, which is widely used in all fields of human activity. It is used not only in construction, but also to transport a variety of goods in agricultural activities. The feature of this machine is that for repairs, you can easily find original parts.

In such vehicles as KAMAZ, it is best to use only original parts, because it is used for transportation over long distances and you never know what can happen on the way. To avoid re-entry of the same details of action, better not to save and just buy the original. It will last a guaranteed period of time with no complaints.

Some trucks owners try to save money by purchasing cheap aftermarket parts. In the end, they have repair costs are increasing, at best, half. Aftermarket parts have a shorter lifespan by almost half, and some variants are only a few days.

Original spare parts for KAMAZ buy because of their reliability and durability. In the manufacture of all parts are thoroughly tested: the tests are conducted, the quality is controlled. This makes the original parts for KAMAZ matters of choice. And it's a good reason!

In Surgut you can find spare parts for KAMAZ at the best prices. Our company offers them on the most favorable terms.

RC Autodiesel Ltd. is the official distributor of KAMAZ not only in Surgut, but also throughout Russia.

Engines and spare parts YAMZ

The engine is the main part of any car. One of the best producers of this item of equipment is of the Yaroslavl motor plant. It produces reliable, high quality engines YaMZ, known worldwide for its high performance, so it became YAMZ engines of choice when building cars in the car factories around the world. The engines of the Yaroslavl production to meet modern requirements. Among the products you can find engines Euro-3, Euro-4 and other eco-standards. The company also produces spare parts for the YaMZ engines, which can be purchased from us at the best prices.

Yaroslavl engine plant produces engines ideally suited for use in different conditions. They are mounted on the KrAZ, MAZ, Ural, tractors, dump trucks, harvesters. YMZ engines are used in mobile and stationary power sources and not only.

The YAMZ engines can be divided into several large groups:

  • the average engine capacity from 120 up to 312 HP (L4, L6);
  • the engines are V-shaped. This group should include all motors with capacity 150-180 HP, which meet the eco-standards Euro -1 Euro-2 and Euro-3. This group is the largest, consists of over two hundred different charges, developed on the basis of sixty basic models of motors;
  • engines 362-412 HP, Euro-4. This option is often used by Minsk automobile plant and other major manufacturers of trucks worldwide.

In Surgut the products of the Yaroslavl motor plant can be purchased from the official dealer - RC Autodiesel Ltd. The catalogs are representative of all produced models of engines YAMZ and spare parts to them.

Five reasons to contact us

To buy spare parts for KAMAZ, YAMZ and spare parts for them, in Surgut it is beneficial to RC Autodiesel Ltd. Firstly, if you need to buy spare parts for trucks, engines and spare parts for them, it is best to have reliable suppliers. We are distributors of such companies as KAMAZ, MAZ, YAMZ and not only. Secondly, all the products we offer is original. The high quality YAMZ, KAMAZ, MAZ needless to say, after the performance of this technique was tested over the years. However, even such a reliable technic in need of repair. For its implementation it is best to use exactly the same original parts. They are guaranteed to work in nodes and systems for a long time. Third, all the products of RC Autodiesel Ltd. have factory warranty and have full confirmation of the quality of the product. Fourthly, a company RC Autodiesel Ltd. has many regional divisions across the country. This opportunity will allow you to buy parts not only in Surgut, but in other localities. Fifth, it is a huge selection of parts and engines in one place. We have a large range of different products that you can look into directories or by contacting the executive division in Surgut.

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