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Company division
Main office
Address: Yaroslavl, Polushkina roshiya str., 16, 150044
Phone number: +7 4852 970-970, +7 4852 67-20-17
Delivery point
Warranty and service
Warranty liability

We strictly adheres to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, so we provide a warrenty for all supplied products. In this case, the terms and conditions are set by the manufacturer himself to concreet position.

Upon it's expressly agreed, the warranty period for spare parts for trucks is estimated at 6 months from the date of shipment. In turn, internal combustion engines warrenty are set by manufacturer. For most of produced engines by Yaroslavl motor plant, warranty apply for one year from the beginning of use and provided that the product will be used no later than three months after shipment from YAMZ warehouse. The exact date of shipment can be found on stamp in passport of the engine.

If you have any complaints about quality of the purchased goods, your actions must be coordinated with delivery contract. They are regulated by the part "Procedure of complaints". It is required for every delivery contract which we conclude with our customers. Also, this part can be found on the website.

Required documentation

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Official member
of the Russian chamber
of Commerce and industry
+7 4852 970-970, 67-20-17, 67-20-30