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Consideration of complaints

This page will be useful for specialists in the operation of equipment with diesel engines YAMZ. Here we offer you a brief informative summary of our practice of consideration of YAMZ product claims.

If you have any problems with YAMZ engine please use page search, and you may find the solution. We also advise you to use "Frequently asked questions" page.

Any fault or failure has its cause, which is determined by specific reasons. The process of complaint handling is a mini-investigation, in which experts of RC Autodiesel Ltd. validly establish the cause of failure and restore the process and chronology of failures. Based on this data they concludes that reason: product defect width warrenty or operation fault.

In the table below, the reason for the failure is taken as the basis of the classification. For example, if the case is considered as "the engine does not start", and in the process it finds out that the starter is faulty, the description will lead into the group "3708-Starter". To view the information, click the group name you are interested in.

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